CDC Official Women’s Softball Team
/0 CommentsIn mid 2016, I along with countless numbers of other parents with Vaccine Injured Children became unknowing participants in one of the biggest non-profit schemes ever to exploit handicapped and chemically injured individuals. These individuals in a carefully planned and well throughout ruse setup multiple charities and non profits under the guise of “promoting awareness” […]
US Debt is a Ticking Time Bomb
/0 CommentsIf we would cook the books this bad running a business we’d be in prison for the rest of our lives. I’m warning you my friends this economy is all smoke and mirrors based on lies and deception. Over 226 Grand of debt per citizen they’ve got us into. I’ve worked all my life to […]
25 Reasons Our Family is Declining the COVID-19 Shots
/0 CommentsHere’s a good meme to share that says it all…
Mask Wearing Mind Warp…
/0 CommentsThis video is a perfect example of how a significant number of people’s minds have been mind warped into accepting mouth diapers as something perfectly normal. Will they ever wake up from this illusion?
Del Bigtree – What WIKIPEDIA Has to Say
/0 CommentsSome commentary on what is contained in Del Bigtree’s Wikipedia entry.