Betrayal from Within: Understanding the Tactics of Planting Agents in Social Movements
A “plant” refers to an agent strategically placed within an organization or group with the intent to gather intelligence or influence the group’s actions.
A plant could be inserted into a rival company, a foreign government, a criminal organization, or even a social movement.
Potential characteristics of a plant:
-Dual Loyalty: A plant must be convincing in their role and often have strong acting or deception skills.
-Access to Sensitive Information: Plants usually need to gain access to confidential or sensitive information. This might involve gaining the trust of key individuals or obtaining a position of responsibility.
-Long-term Operation: Being a plant is a long-term job. It can take time to gain the necessary trust and access to sensitive information.
-Training: Plants undergo extensive training which could involve learning about the culture and practices of the group they’re infiltrating.
From COINTEL 2.0