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Empowering Questions for Parents to Ask Their Pediatrician About Vaccines
/0 CommentsUnderstanding Vaccines and Ingredients
Can you provide the vaccine insert for each vaccine my child is scheduled to receive today?
What are the full list of ingredients in this vaccine?
Are there any toxic substances, such as aluminum, mercury, or formaldehyde, in these vaccines? If so, what is their purpose?
What studies demonstrate the safety of combining multiple vaccines during a single visit?
Risk vs. Benefit Analysis
What are the specific risks and benefits of this vaccine for my child?
What are the rates of severe adverse reactions for this vaccine?
Can you guarantee this vaccine will prevent the targeted illness?
Are the diseases being vaccinated against common or life-threatening for my child’s age group?
Adverse Reactions and Safety Studies
How do you monitor for adverse reactions after vaccination?
Can you provide data from long-term studies on the safety of this vaccine?
Are there independent studies verifying the safety of this vaccine?
Have there been cases of injury or death linked to this vaccine, and how were they addressed?
Medical Exemptions and Precautions
What are the medical contraindications for this vaccine?
If my child has a history of allergies or autoimmune disorders, should I be concerned about adverse reactions?
Are there genetic or biological markers that might make my child more susceptible to vaccine injuries?
Legal and Ethical Considerations
If my child is injured by a vaccine, who is liable? Is the manufacturer liable?
What is the process for filing a claim with the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?
Can you ensure that my decision to delay or decline vaccines will not affect our relationship or my child’s medical care?
Informed Consent and Alternatives
What are the alternatives to vaccination for achieving immunity?
Can you explain the difference between natural immunity and vaccine-induced immunity?
Am I free to delay or decline this vaccine without coercion or judgment?
What other preventive measures can we take to protect my child from illnesses?
Tracking and Reporting Adverse Events
How do you report adverse vaccine reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)?
Will you assist me in documenting and reporting any adverse reactions my child might experience?
Tailoring Vaccination Plans
Can we create a customized vaccine schedule that minimizes risks for my child?
Are all the recommended vaccines necessary for my child based on their lifestyle, health status, and exposure risk?
Historical and Scientific Context
Have there been recalls or controversies surrounding this vaccine?
Are there any recent studies or findings that challenge the safety or efficacy of this vaccine?
Why are vaccine manufacturers exempt from liability, and how does this impact the incentive to ensure safety?
Doctor’s Perspective
Are you fully educated on vaccine injuries, and how do you stay informed about updated vaccine research?
Have you ever witnessed a vaccine injury, and how was it handled?
What training have you received on informed consent and patient education regarding vaccines?
Final Note:
Before consenting to any vaccine, take your time to research and discuss openly with your doctor. Trust is built on transparency and mutual respect. Always prioritize your child’s unique health needs and well-being.
Is Del Bigtree a Controlled Opposition Figure in the Anti-Vaccine Movement?
/0 CommentsFirst published Jun 13, 2024
Updated January 16, 2025
This 64-page document represents the culmination of my earliest investigative work, undertaken approximately 4–5 years ago. It is the product of collaborative efforts, as I worked alongside a dedicated group of individuals on this project’s discovery and investigative aspects. Together, we sought to uncover deeper truths surrounding the controversial figure of Del Bigtree and his role within the anti-vaccine movement.
The document critically examines Del Bigtree, revealing a concerning pattern of manipulation and narrative control. Our analysis highlights how Bigtree has strategically repurposed the anti-vaccine movement into a platform advocating for “safer vaccines,” effectively diluting the voices of genuine dissenters. Central to our skepticism is the observation that Bigtree and his associates exert significant influence over the conversation about vaccine safety, steering it in ways that marginalize or suppress more radical perspectives that could challenge the status quo.
Del Bigtree’s rise to prominence appears to be anything but organic. Evidence suggests his ascent was carefully orchestrated to position him as a controlled opposition figure. This strategy, known as a limited hangout operation, involves the selective disclosure of partial truths about vaccine risks to maintain credibility while diverting attention from deeper, potentially more disruptive realities. This approach maintains public trust while ensuring the broader narrative remains manageable and aligned with specific agendas.
The document also delves into Bigtree’s personal and professional background, offering insights into his transition from Hollywood producer to a leading figure in the vaccine safety debate. Analyzing his career trajectory reveals connections and affiliations that raise serious questions about his motivations. Of particular note is the significant financial support he has received from influential donors like Bernard and Lisa Selz. This funding has not only facilitated Bigtree’s rise but also suggests the possibility of a broader, coordinated effort to shape his activism and influence within the movement.
Additionally, we explore the symbolic and ideological underpinnings of Bigtree’s work, scrutinizing elements of his public persona and messaging that appear to align with Hollywood and Masonic symbolism. These findings contribute to our concerns about his authenticity and integrity as a leader. Our research suggests that his actions may be part of a larger agenda aimed at consolidating control over public discourse on vaccine safety, ensuring that the conversation remains within acceptable boundaries dictated by external influences.
This document sheds light on the complexities and contradictions surrounding Del Bigtree, encouraging readers to question the motives and authenticity of prominent figures within the vaccine safety movement. By exposing these dynamics, we hope to empower individuals to seek unfiltered truths and resist the manipulation of narratives designed to constrain genuine dissent.
Read it here.
Also learn more about Del Bigtree in my upcoming book, Monetizing Misery!
Also watch this short video with Del Bigtree talking about “terrain theory” 👇👇👇
A Heartwarming Christmas Moment with Weston
/0 CommentsWe really enjoyed having Weston and Emily home for Christmas. I was so lucky to capture this wonderful moment with Weston. I feel so grateful and lucky to have him in my life.
Sunday Afternoon with Greg and Weston
/0 CommentsI love capturing these precious moments with Weston. He was showing us his books. He knows how to read them.
Weston’s Third Birthday
/0 CommentsI will never forget Weston’s third birthday. What should have been a day of celebration turned into a moment that changed the course of our lives forever. That day, we had an appointment with a child psychologist to review the results of Weston’s developmental testing.
Sitting across from us, the psychologist delivered news that no parent is ever prepared to hear. She said, with an emotionless tone, “We have tallied up the scores from all of the tests, and they show that Weston is severely mentally retarded with an IQ of 43. You need to just take him home and make him comfortable, as he will never live a normal life.”
Her words hit us like a thunderbolt, shattering our hopes and dreams in an instant. I remember the cold, sterile room, the silence that followed her statement, and the way time seemed to freeze. My heart broke into a million pieces, not just for Weston but for the life he would never get to live—the milestones, the joys, the dreams that were now replaced with an uncertain and challenging future. 💔💔
That moment is forever etched in my memory, a pivotal chapter in our journey that I recount in my book, Light in the Darkness: My Search for Meaning. Weston’s story, along with Emily’s, is one I dedicate my life to sharing in the hope that others might avoid the tragic mistakes that led to their injuries. It is my mission to speak out, not for sympathy, but for change—to shine a light on truths too often ignored and give a voice to those who can’t speak for themselves.
Weston and Emily are no longer children; they are adults now, beautiful souls who have taught me the true meaning of unconditional love and resilience. Their lives, though filled with struggles, have a profound purpose. I am so grateful for those who like, share, and support my posts about my children. Together, we can bring awareness and hope.
Weston’s Autism Classroom
/0 CommentsAug 20, 2018 – A rare look at Weston’s Autism classroom and what goes on.
In 2005, it was finally time for Weston to start public schools. When we took him to school that September we were mortified to find a dozen kids with severe autism and one untrained teacher and another untrained aid. We immediately pulled Weston out and enrolled him in a private School in Phoenix where we would drive him 200 mi round trip each week.
The school district paid for it for 2 years at 20,000 plus plus a year. After doing this we decided we wanted to come back to Prescott and live our lives with our family. It made it especially disturbing when we found out the public schools were taking special education money to the tune of $24,600, rolling it over into the general fund and not even spending it on what it was earmarked for.
We decided we would have to leave our hometown of Prescott and find something more suitable for our children educational wise. We move to Columbia Missouri and spent over a quarter of a million dollars in 2 years. Then in 2008 the economy crashed and we were forced to return to our district. The problem for them was Weston and Emily had solid gold IEPs that had to be followed. They of course didn’t end a series of legal maneuvers and lawsuits put an end to their misdeeds and created a big shake up.
For the next 10 years plus we put the fear of God in the school district. What we uncovered I could write a book about. Fast forward now to 2022 and they’re both out of school but they received an incredible education only because of our efforts and a man named Ray. School districts are nothing but money Mills where they launder the money back and forth and who knows where it goes. Prescott unified School district was the worst the absolute worst.
We have done everything humanely possible to ensure that our children would become all they could be despite their injuries. We are so proud of their progress!
Click on the above image to watch a video where I share some important thoughts that drive me… especially 666, Mark of the Beast.
Greg Wyatt