Got an amazing story, and this is one I've sort of tracked all the way back. You know, when I was sitting in the basement with doctor Andrew Wakefield working on the documentary VAX From Cover Up to Catastrophe. That threw me into the middle of this conversation and changed my life forever. But he was always talking about this issue with mumps and the if you think about the MMR vaccine, that's the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine. Well, there's a lot of questions around mumps. Here's some of the headlines that have been actually in the news over the years. Take a look at this We've got the first headline this Courthouse news class says Merck lied about mumps vaccine. Another one. Merck accused of stonewalling in mumps vaccine antitrust lawsuit. Why was all of this coming to everyone's attention? Was because of these outbreaks that were happening. Several articles about that majority of mumps cases are among the vaccinated. The CDC finds as many as 94% of children and adolescents who contracted the highly contagious virus . Had been vaccinated. This is something I was watching while I was touring with Vax. Adults may be losing immunity bumps Are boosters needed? This is just one of those stories that really telegraphs. This is before COVID Telegraph, where we ended up being here. Vaccines that don't work. Are there bigger problems around that? Well, there's a real fraud here and there's two whistleblowers at the center of this story. And Doctor Andrew Wakefield has decided to make a narrative movie about that story with a star- studded cast. And right now, get ready for it. The world premiere the first time ever seen The trailer for Protocol 7 starts in 54321. Roll it. He was an orphan of conflict in Africa. He was smart and bright and then we got him home and he crashed right in front of us. Some very important people are saying our vaccine does not work . You're going to want to read this. They fake the data. They cheated on every level. You said you're a lawyer. Family law Let me see it What about Eshal? Your son and every other son and daughter? Depends on whether or not you choose to live by their rules. Incineration immediately Like nothing 's what they got. Were you aware of the lab 's failure to demonstrate efficacy of the mumps vaccine? A level required by the FDA No. To respond to the FD as concern and leave a dangerous vaccine on the market? Dangerous. Objection. Strongly recommended booster shots. Of course you didn't. This is a confidential body. These were shredded. It's a protocol. They've got the sheets. They've got the evidence I was told they didn't have. No one will ever believe them again The film is called Protocol 7 is my honor and pleasure to be joined by the writer, director, the one and only doctor Andrew Wakefield. Yeah, great to be back, great to be back. It's so great to have you here and . I'm just, I'm blown away. I know. You know, we made Vax together. I mean, almost all of what I do now wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for the work that we did together. But to see this journey, this is a film that is clearly I think Going to send shockwaves across the world, moving out of documentaries, which I think tend to, you know, there's only sort of a specific people of you know, those types of people that want to educate themselves with a film, go to a documentary. Now you're moving into narrative film. Why? Why this story? Well, the narrative film, because I wanted to push myself further. I wanted to communicate with many, many more people. As you say, there is a certain sector of the population, particularly those who already know this story or are involved in some way in in vaccine safety and Health freedom. Who will watch it? But I want to make something that entertains and goes out far wider To a global population. And that was really everything changed, as you're fully aware with COVID. Suddenly the audience magnified by a factor of 1010 thous and. When we started in this years ago, you and I know that there were probably a handful of people worldwide prepared to discuss this issue. Now it's more than half the adult population of the world. And that's what winning is. Winning is uncomfortable. It's painful. That's what it looks like. And this story because . It was given to me by the whistleblower many, many years ago at when autism won the conference was still downtown in Chicago and at the time I was still in practice in science and and so I would hand these whistleblower stories off to lawyers to be handled as as they felt fit and to be clear just for people that are aware of your story, aware of what we've done together. This is not the whistleblower from VAX, Dr. William Thompson . At the CDC, this is a different whistleblower story. That's right. This is 2 employees from Merck, from Merck 's vaccine lab, Steve Crowlin and Joe Malkowski. And this is all in the public domain. There's nothing secret about any of this. And I handed it off to lawyers and it went through the due process and it dragged and it dragged and it dragged. Now bear in mind, you're you and my we. Excuse me, We have a responsibility . To the public We're not responsible to the lawyers, right? True. We're answerable to the public. And this had dragged on in litigation for over a decade and nothing had happened. The same vaccine, the mumps vaccine in this case, was still being used, still wasn't working. People were likely being injured or put at risk as a consequence of that, and nothing was being done. It was being fought under seal, which is what Farmer does right? They can afford their billions and billions of dollars even more Since COVID, but they just dragged these things out and dragged them out. They just, you know what they want to do is cost you know the other lawyers so much money that everyone just Gives up. That's right. And the documents were sealed to public. The public who were really defrauded would never get to know. They would ultimately be a settlement for potentially a large amount of money. And it would make 3 columns or three lines in on page five of the New Y ork Times. The people would not know about it. And so my responsibility as a filmmaker with this story was to get it out to the public far and wide. There needs to be accountability. I mean, I th ink. I'm sure . One of the things you've recognized, particularly with VAX, is there was number accountability. Even though these people admitted to committing fraud, the documents were quite clear. They went on, collected their pensions, thank you very much. That's unacceptable. That can't happen anymore. There has to be accountability and that's why this film was made. You know, that's sort of been a theme with the work that you've done. And when we look at Vaxxed, I mean this is probably the controversy around VAX is that, you know, in that case Doctor William Thompson is, you know, pouring out his guts in these interviews and talking to Brian Hooker, but What happens if that never seems the light of day? And and also what was the danger to him as an individual, I think were things that you thought about But you know, coming from medicine, you were a doctor. You've been in the middle. You've been in the middle of the controversy. You've been the one on the stand. You've been the one in the courtrooms. You decided to take another approach, which is let's go to the courtroom of public opinion, right? And and and let's, let's let the people decide what's really taking place here So you've been really true to that, you know, Beacon, I would say In in this . Story you know, people don't think about mumps. It's part of the MMR vaccine. Is that why you did it? Is it because it also has to do with this vaccine that is really sort of a part of your legacy? Or was it just the story itself? Like what really grabbed your attention here? Because there are so many stories you could have told. I mean, we we cover them all the time on the high wire. Why? Why this one? I suppose the nature of the vaccine is less Important than the fact that this is synonymous with pharmaceutical company behavior time and time again. What happened with COVID is a lot of people came forward and said a lot of experts, a lot of great people, and said wow, I'm happy about all the childhood vaccines. But this one, this hasn't been tested, it's unsafe, it's experimental. And for those of us who've been in this for a long time, we had to take them back over that bridge to the childhood schedule and show them what was had been going on for many Many years in the context of every single vaccine, right. So mumps this, this story was really an example of that. And what we had here was a very interesting situation where it was really about efficacy if you have a vaccine that only works for a short period of time, like the mumps vaccine now turns out To do then, what you have is a situation where you become susceptible again to mumps as a teenager and as a young adult, right What's the problem with that? That mumps is a trivial disease in children, acknowledged to be a trivial disease. The CDC didn't even want a mumps vaccine until Maurice Hillman foisted it on them. The problem is that if you have mumps when you're post puberty, particularly for males, then you can develop orchitis, testicular inflammation and sterility, right? So they're not only is it a problem of efficacy, does the vaccine work or not But it's an issue of safety because you're bumping the age of susceptibility up to when it becomes a serious disease. It literally is. You want to have it as a as a young child. It's has no effect on you whatsoever. But when you wait until you're a teenager, now we have a serious problem. And that's all the vaccines doing You know, so tell me about, like the process of making a film because, you know, it's it's a very different thing to sit people down and do an interview and, you know, just document that, which is what we've done together and a lot of what I do Now you've got Eric Roberts, you know, powerful actor, dynamic presence Playing roles. What was that like? Well, it was a lot of fun. Yeah, I was terrifying Starting with the writing, I wrote it in 2012 and then I went back to LA, lived there for a while and worked w ith Terry Rossiya to finish it. And people say Terry Rossiya, Who's he? Terry Rossio. Little known screenwriter of little known films like Shrek, Pirates of the Caribbean, Godzil la versus King Kong. Ye ah, I mean, it goes on and on. The guy's magic. Wonderful. Who is also a big part? People don't know. Vax gave us great notes since we were wor king through that, you know, very, very talented guy . Have been absolutely wonderful and every time I sat down with Terry it was like a master class In screen writing, it was fantastic. And then it came to making the movie. Well, making documentaries again very. And this is where my 2 producers Joy Vasaka and Brian Wendell came in. They made a huge difference. They came in and they just consummate professionals. They just made everything work. The set to work on was a joy and absolutely I can imagine that making movies sometimes with stars and starlets and people with Eager know there was no ego on the set. It was absolutely wonderful. So it just allowed me . To do my job and the one thing I did, I thought I owe this to you guys When we come to something like the diet in autism or the risk of drowning in autism or The regression which the medical profession had denied forever. Before the scene was shot, we would take them, the whole crew, and we'd talk about it. Why this scene? Why is this scene important Why are we doing this? Because you're going to look at this and you're going to think, well, the kids are going on a gluten free diet. That doesn't make any sense How can that possibly affect autism until you realize that it does, right? And So what I was able to do is take all of the everything I'd learned and the vast majority, in fact almost everything I've learned about autism comes from parents, principally mothers and mothers of affected children, and communicate that information to the crew. And once they understood, and this worked on 2 levels. One, they understood why we were doing the scene. But two, some one had taken the trouble to explain to them why this is what we were doing . And we had an absolutely wonderful relationship and I can never imagine it being the same again. Maybe we should never aspire to that. Maybe next time it'll be different, but just as good, right. So when, when are you expecting to be able to release the, the full film, The full film will come out late first quarter, early second quarter of next year. So we've got that runway for getting out there, talking about it advertising Battling with the elements, we'll see. We'll see how the response we get from The courts or Merkel or whatever else it might be. But I mean I wonder do you think are you looking at distribution a little bit differently right now? You know, post COVID, there does seem to be, you know, some attention to these issues, Do you think, I mean we've just planned on a total blackout with VAX, you know, and it took work. Do you, do you think that that's what you're expecting here or I think a number of things have changed after VAX there was very, very little attention given to The movies By the Pharmaceutical industry or anyone else. They made a mistake with Vax. They gave it an immense amount of publicity. They censored from Tribeca. It made it a worldwide phenomenon. They learned their lesson. They kind of they meant never mentioned the act. I wonder how they'll deal with this one because it is so confrontational. It is so in your face that it does name names. It'll it'll be very interesting. The other thing that's changed is post COVID movie theaters Are desperate for content. Yeah, it wasn't like the abundance of content they had before. Now they're trying to get people back into the movie theaters And they need films like this. And what a great lesson was Sound of freedom? Yes, there was a movie that the system the Hollywood infrastructure had rejected didn't fit with their agenda, for whatever reason. And it did extraordinarily well because it was a film that mattered. And what people want to see more than anything now is films that matter, films that count, films that move the needle. And this is a film that most surely Hardly moves the needle. Oh, fantastic. You know, and I'm so proud of you. You know it is a it is a herculean task to to make a narrative picture the costs so much higher having sets, having actors people with salaries, not just scientists sitting down and and you know, the fact that you've pulled all that off, that you have a story. I mean to again this, you know this miraculous moment being created. You were you started this and I, you know, I it was something you were working on even in talking about even when we were working together Our film released in 2016. The fact that you're going to hit this, that you were working through COVID on this and now as you've said, we have a totally different world, you're going to be stepping out. And I think it's just it's such critical importance because it is the number one question that we get when we talk to people now, which is OK, I get it. The COVID vaccine was a disaster. It was rushed on the market. But the rest of the program 's OK, right? That doesn't happen with every vaccine and now you know . You're about to pull a brick out of that damn You know, when you look to the future And you know, how much is your past and this journey you've been on? Do you feel fulfilled I feel that we've been on the right path, but it's a journey My sadness is that we something that constrains my fulfillment is there are so many damaged children out there, so many children, that we were unable to help, unable to get to, unable to get to their parents, to warn them in time to allow them to come to their own decision, their own choice. Not to say don't vaccinate or vaccinate, but to let them to make them aware. I think that it's been a fascinating journey. I wouldn't change any of it. It's been an enormous privilege to look after these families and ultimately to report their stories In documentary or narrative films Do I feel fulfilled? I'm not ready to quit yet. No, there's still, there's still several movies in me. All right, Well, Speaking of those children that we have not been able to help yet, and those that are, I mean the the autism spectrum is claiming more and more lives every single year. Numbers now range between one and 20 and one and 35, depending on what study you look at, whether it's a boy or a girl . Are now being diagnosed with autism. It truly is the epidemic of our lifetime. And yet no one in media seems to want to talk about it. But for all those parents out there that are dealing with it, that aren't in the news but are at home, haven't handled that. Where do they go? Where do they get information? There are, you know, many healing modalities that seem to be working in this space. Well, there's a there's a great conference coming to Texas that's also going to be previewing the extended trailer for Andy 's new film Th is is what that's all about So my dream for probably a good ten years or so has been to run an autism event To really educate those parents on addressing those underlying conditions associated with autism And truly, truly hearing from the best speakers that there are on the planet Doctor Andrew Wakefield, Dell Big Tree, Mickey Willis, All these Doctors that have been on the forefront. Doctor Jerry Carzonell, Doctor Brian Hooker, Doctor Judy Mikovits, Dr. Peter McCulloch, Doctor James New Schwander . Jeff Sawel and daughter Sienna and Olivia The Spellers community and Don Marie gave in and all these amazing doctors, scientists and parents on how to address the underlying biological conditions associated with autism and other neurological disorders Hello everyone, This is Andy Wakefield. I'm excited to announce that we will be hosting an exclusive event at the Autism Health Summit in San Antonio on February the third. At the event, we will be showing the trailer and select scenes from our new movie, Protocol 7. And following the presentation, we will have AQ and A with two of the lead actors from the movie, the writer, director and our producers . Th is is a one- of- a- kind experience you will not want to miss There's a lot of bad stuff that's happening, and what is almost invisible to the eye is the good stuff. It's happening, and I believe we're heading towards a Wellness that we've not experienced in many, many decades or generations It's important though, regardless of what kind of power we think we hold or or don't hold, that we understand that it's imperative that we all step forward We need to research, we need to find out because the people are watching this probably think me alone can't save the world, but if we get a community, if we get a group, we can really affect the world Well, joining us in this conversation now is Tracy Slepsevic, the founder of the Autism Health Summit. Thank you for coming in today. Thanks for having me again. And we had you on to talk about your book, Warrior Mom and and so you know, author and now taking on a major conference, This is the inaugural conference this year. Why, why? Why do this? So I had a mother call me recently and say why Are you throwing in this conference? And I said the number one reason was to bring parents together, to know that they're not alone. Not just to give them information, new science, new treatments, new therapies, but to know that there's a community of parents that are going through the same thing, that they're just not alone. Because when Noah was first diagnosed with autism, I can tell you that was the number one feeling I had And it wasn't that I didn't have great support from my family and my husband and everybody, but I was like, who? Who's going to understand me? Who's going to understand what I'm going through? So all these parents, you bring them together, you know, you also bring together the professionals and the doctors and teach them new things because we are offering CME credits and give them the opportunity to Look at it from a different angle. And then one other reason was to highlight Andy. I know he's too proud and he's very kind, but I'm here to say and to say publicly that here is a man that stepped out to Stand up for these kids so long ago And he had nothing to gain from it, nothing and everything to lose. He risked his life, he risked his career, he his medical license, years of training and work and everything that he had done to stand up and do what so many doctors are doing that I'm bringing to this conference to speak. And that is the oath that they took To do no harm. And that is what Andy 's done. That's what many other doctors have done. And that's what I want the world to know, that they're still out there. And if you want to, you know, give me grief on social media because these doctors are speaking good, I don't want you there. I don't, because you have to come with an open mind to learn. And that's what I had So many years ago, when my naturopathic doctor told me Noah will be fine, you need to go home and do your research. And as Andy said earlier, he's not telling parents what to do. He's saying here, here's the information, do your own research. Don't listen to me. Don't listen to the thousands of parents who are saying my child regressed from an MMR vaccine Do your own research. Yeah. You know, Andy Tracy brings up an interesting point in many ways. You were all alone as a doctor out there on this issue that, you know, when you first started looking at the MMR vaccine and recognized, you know, the first, you know, the famous Lance has studied 12 parents coming forward. You were there as a voice for them. And then the, you know, ultimately hundreds of thousands, if not millions of parents out there, I think somewhere between 40 to 80% depending on the study you look at . Believe that their child's autism, you know, was related to the vaccination. Are you sensing this? The seismic shift I believe is going on with doctors like doctor Peter McCullough. I mean, not just any doctor, sort of like you an expert in this field. A leading, you know, heart doctor in the world most published is coming around and looking at the childhood vaccine you've got doctor you know, Pierre Corey, you know who's run hospital departments is now investigating this You know Paul Merrick, probably. I think the living, most published ICU doctor is now Looking at vaccines, this autism connection and I sat at Ron Johnson 's hearing with, you know, I don't know, at least 20 doctors. And I said to them before we started, I just want you to know, the doctor that's not here is the one that was here all by himself and that's doctor Andrew Wakefield. Finally you were all coming together. There is now this almost tidal wave of world renowned professionals that are finally starting to look at this issue. Do you feel that? Are you aware of that? Definitely. I was on a stage with Paul Merrick the other day in Atlanta, I think it was and he . He sat, we sat down together, Great guy, lovely guy. And he said a year ago I thought you were insane. And now I know him. So it's it's changed dramatically. And what's fascinating is how the other side react to it, that here you have someone like Peter McCullough, the most published cardiologist in the world, top of his profession, top of his game. And one day he's a genius who's, you know, the fount of all knowledge on cardiology. The next minute he's some crazy loon. You know, you can't get away with that kind of story for too long, right? People see through that. They say, hang on a minute Yeah, this is good. This guy 's done all this, and then suddenly the next day he's the lunatic as he doesn't agree with you. They're losing so badly. Yeah, they're losing the propaganda war. They're losing. And the truth. The reason is because we have truth on our side. I agree. They don't have truth. Why? You don't have truth. You've got nothing. And I don't think they even care what you know. And I'm dealing with the Merck people. We were dealing with the guys at the CDC. They don't care. They don't care about Merck or the longevity of Merck or its share price as long as they've made their bonus, as long as they've got out at the other end With the money intact, they'll move on. There's no, there's no great affection for the CDC. For William Thompson, it was just going to pay his pension. That's all. He was out the other end. So the difference is that those people on one side, can they just move on Once they've got their bonus, there's no real concern about what they've done, why they've done it, what the consequences of what they've done are on the other side of it. You've got mothers where it matters enormously. It's everything. You've got parents And they will never be defeated, never, ever be defeated, because they know the truth and part of them has been broken and they will never quit until they have got to the bottom of it. And that is why ultimately, this side cannot win. And the mothers, the parents, the doctors who've aligned with them and tried to understand the dilemma that they face, will prevail. One of the things with Vax that I think I say was probably The best part of it? Not only was it obvious, you know, great in waking up a lot of people, I think it's still a powerful tool But it was how it brought the community of autism parents together. I remember that one of the first screenings when, you know, I decided I was just curious why is there a line down the block? And I said, well, everyone with a vaccine, injured child, please stand up and 3/4 of the room stood up and it felt like the oxygen was sucked out of the room. I've told this story so many times I knew this was an issue we had. I'd been a part of interviewing a dozen families with you, but I had no idea it was that . Big and But what was so amazing is neither did those parents that stood up. I felt like they all saw each other in the room And a movement was truly born there, which was like, Oh my God, and people came up to me, said I didn't know this person lives on the same block as I do . You know that and we've been hiding in our homes. We thought we're all alone and suddenly this movement came together. But I feel like, you know, with Covic and all this, that connection, you know, where do they get together, right. Like it was VAX gave all these families a reason to talk, to come together. But Covad has sort of changed the conversation. And I feel like there's still this huge issue and this huge group of people that have they need something to connect on. Is that I mean is that your feeling on this They do, and they need new information. There is a whole popularity behind being autistic now, I have to tell you that. So as parents who stand up and want to address those underlying conditions Are being ridiculed for our hard work and everything, even even my own son said. Listen, I'm not trying to change you. You would not be functioning If it wasn't for me, I don't take away that you have autism. I don't. I'm not taking away your disability because, you know, it's it's that's the whole narrative these days. We like being autistic. Don't change us. Leave us alone. It isn't about changing an autistic person. It's about making them well, so, you know, as I wanted to give my son a full life, here it is You know, he's 18 now. Things have changed. He wants to eat what he wants to eat. My diet that I so restricted him for most of his life on . Is has. So it's a typical teenager, yeah. But I can tell you he's very loving. He's very respectful. And I keep telling parents, I'm like, you know, you have one challenge, you know, there's there's something out there, Keep searching Keep searching. So I threw everything into this conference that I possibly could. I got every best speaker That I possibly could, including yourself and and Mickey and you know, to really just give them as much information and lead them in the right direction because that's all I ever wanted back then was just, can you direct me this way? Because I used to be able to Google healing autism and I would get so much great information online in 2009, but you can't do it anymore. It's so censored . Yeah, they've definitely whitewashed the Internet. I go and look for studies and things that I know were there that I've used before, and you just pages and pages. And where did all of that go It's really shocking. I remember when we were sitting and making vax to Andy, I asked you once, I said, are you concerned that they'll never realized you were right, that you know, autism will just go on and you know that we'll never get to the truth? And you said, no, I'm not concerned about that at all. There's you said, you just said this will continue to be a growing issue and one day it will be so obvious that no one will be able to deny it. And you just said My goal is to try and make that happen sooner than later so we just don't lose any more children. Do you feel like, do you feel like that that you know, sort of fulcrum point is coming, that realization moment, are we close I'm a pathological optimist, as you know. I think it is close. I mean, I had been in McCullough say the other day that he believes vaccines are linked with autism. For someone of Peter 's standing to get up and say that that that's a huge shift And these things begin slowly, but they increase exponentially. The awareness increases exponentially and it's facilitated by that is if you like, the silver lining of the very dark cloud of COVID is that people have come to realize that they should not trust the government. They shouldn't trust public health. They should not invest their trust for sure in the vaccine manufacturers, but invest their trust in those people who have put everything on the line to bring them the truth from the very beginning. And I think so there is this seismic shift in Perception that is happening now And because of the exponential nature of this, it will accelerate. I sometimes put myself in the you know, when I'm a little down or I'm people say we're losing. I put myself in the mindset of someone on K St. in one of those hugely expensive offices where you know pharmaceutical industries pay a fortune for public relations and all that stuff and they're screaming at each other why the hell are we not winning? Why can't we convince these stupid people that the Pharmaceutical industry and and I say that amuses me and it also reassures them because I'm sure . If it's bad for us, it's a hell of a lot, but worse for them right now. I agree. The conversations got to be shifting. Tony Fauci is going to be on the stand having the answer to, you know, Wuhan. But also you have this all 'cause mortality. Excess mortality is now unavoidable Pierre Corey had a great article last week on the Hill. I mean this is mainstream now. I mean even you know Fox News, you're hearing anchors talk about medical freedom and a right to choose and that. So the whole conversation is absolutely shifted and it The heart of it, Andy, I just don't know that any of us are here without the work that you've done. But all these scientists, these doctors are now coming out modern. You know, this, this conversation, they're all going to be this conference. So for anyone that really wants to be a part of this and see these people speaking the truth and what they actually know, the scientific understanding both and what's happened and how to do something about it, what are the dates, the conference, just, you know, give me the details and where do we go to sign up? All righty. So it is February 2nd and 3rd of 2024. It is in San Antonio at the JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort and Spa. They can go to autism health. com to register. They just go into registration. It is on virtual, so those who cannot attend, they can buy virtual ticket and there is scholarships for virtual, but it'll be a wonderful event. All meals are included. There will be a great VIP hour . Which I'm really excited about. Andy and his team will be there as producers. The actors you know will show a little clip of Protocol 7. But also I have Jeff Sewell which you know in his two daughters singing. So here is a world renowned tenor singer and . You got to ask Dell to get up and sing. I use it to speak now. I love to sing Another life on that But the story that they have is nothing short of amazing, you know, Same story. Daughter regresses. They use all the biomedical intervention. She is fully functioning today. And here she is singing alongside of her father, just like Florida State. It was a story that truly caught my eye and I reached out to Simone Her mother. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, I just saw your interview. I'm like, how do I get you guys to the conference? And she was like, well, as long as they drop these COVID mandates, you know, to go into the States, we can make it. And so they will be there. They will be singing and telling their story. The Spellers community is going to be there. So we will be showing the documentary of Spellers and we'll be highlighting that. I mean, there's really so much if I could have packed it in the two days Yeah, I did. You know, because once you get behind those two days, it gets to be a little bit too much. But it'll be so much fun. And I'm truly grateful for for your support for Andy 's and all the doctors who chose to step up and make it out to the conference. Doctor Judy Mikovits. Doctor Brian Hooker. Doctor Peter McCullough. I mean, I honestly have the best of the best. Doctor James Newswander These doctors truly are doing what it is that they took a note to do And it is an absolute honor to not just sit up on this stage with you but with with Andy. Because I know I speak for thousands of parents who over and over are like, Oh my gosh, I'm just so grateful. And and and I can't even begin to express my gratitude to Andy because if he didn't do what he did, where where would my son be today? So To all of those who want to say whatever it is that they want to say, you know you can talk out of both ends. But you know the truth is is he truly had nothing to gain from this. Nothing he didn't. He gave up everything and and I'm proud to sit on this stage with with him and when I walk around the airport and I'm traveling from place to place to speak, I carry my books with me And if I see a new mother, the number one thing I do is I'll take out my book. I'll look at her and I'll say, if I give you a book and you knew it would save your child 's life, would you read it? And I haven't had a mother tell me no, but it's that's, that's what we're trying to do, one life at a time, save lives. So everything that you've done, there's a ripple effect in in everything that we do. And it ripples out And what you've done, I know you've made Tremendous sacrifices. And I just want to say thank you. I'm going to say thank you for millions of parents out there for myself because I remember listening to you speak at conferences way back in the day. And he is a, he's like the coolest human being in general. He truly is. Well, look, I look forward to being a part of this, standing on a stage with you, Andy, and so many of the great scientists and doctors that are coming around on this conversation And all the parents that need that information. You've been just a pioneer. Here, your book Is moving mountains. And I just want to wish you both the best. You're such a big part of my life and I really look forward to this event to sort of get to share that story and that experience and these truths with the world. So thank you for what both of you are doing. Looking forward to the film and definitely looking forward to the Autism Health Summit. All right, We'll see you there.